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Photo of jose carlos velázquez Spain
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JOS CARLOS VILA Velazquez, 1966-participated in the FIRST MEETING OF POETS Ávila (November 1997), founded in 1998, with the novelist and painter Roberto Rodrguez Fernando Tejeda, cojonera FLY (Review Independent Arts and Literature.)-Participate in April 1998 a meeting point, read and say poetry in VILA, organized by the Spanish Association of Friends of Children's and Youth. "Counsel's literary ALBERO COLLECTION of SOPs...

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JOS CARLOS VILA Velazquez, 1966-participated in the FIRST MEETING OF POETS Ávila (November 1997), founded in 1998, with the novelist and painter Roberto Rodrguez Fernando Tejeda, cojonera FLY (Review Independent Arts and Literature.)-Participate in April 1998 a meeting point, read and say poetry in VILA, organized by the Spanish Association of Friends of Children's and Youth. "Counsel's literary ALBERO COLLECTION of SOPs published by the Center for Literary and Art of Castile and Leon (CELY)-The October 19, 2000 show, along with poets Josmar Quirs Munoz, Carlos Aganzo, Lola López Contreras journalist and poet, and editor of Poetry Publishers Cely, Joan Gonpo, presented in the book JosHierro vila: IRON IN FOUR MYTHS, volume n 1 AEDO COLLECTION OF POES edited by Cely (Center for Literary Studies and Art of Castile and Leon)-In July 2001, he participates in Potica ROUND THE WALL and from that month working with the Journal of vila it publishes every Friday, the opinion column Urbi et Orbi. "In November 2001, runs a Poetry Workshop at school Paul VI and Miraculous Medal vila within LITERARY CREATION WORKSHOP organized by the Social and Cultural Caja de vila. "In December 2001, participated in the TRIBUTE TO SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ organized by the Hon. Municipality of Vila (Municipal Institute of Music and Culture) and the Theatre Hall of Hall Josma Menndez Rodrguez. "In January 2002, he received the Institute for Music and Culture of the Municipality of Vila an Aid to Literary Creation to the publication of his poems all traces. "In November 2002, runs a Poetry Workshop at the Institute of High teachings Alonso de Madrigal de vila within LITERARY CREATION WORKSHOP organized by the Social and Cultural Caja de vila. "In February in 2003 he participated in the meeting ASK THE PEACE AND THE WORD. POETS AGAINST WAR Abulense organized by ABLE (Abulense CLASS FOR PEACE) and read along with MIGUEL ANGEL BLANCO Velayos MARA, a manifesto against war against the Government's Subdelegacin vila. "In October 2003 he directed a Poetry Workshop at the Institute of High teachings Alonso de Madrigal de vila within LITERARY CREATION WORKSHOP organized by the Social and Cultural Caja de vila. "From November 2003 to May 2004 he teaches at the PALACIO DE LOS SERRANO vila (home of the Social and Cultural Caja de vila) within the literary school run by the poet and director of Diario de Avila, Carlos Aganzo. - In November 2004 he moved to live in Galicia, where he currently resides. JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS: 1994-PAREDN Potica. ATRS DOOR. (Official organ of cowards), "Paredn poetic. N 0. Pgs. 3, 4, 9-Paredn poetic. N 1. Pgs. 3, 11. -Paredn poetic. N 2. 1995-broth. (The magazine of poetry for those who hate poetry.) (Bulletin two Lusitano Aduaneiras.) "Broth. N 1. vila. November 1995. Pgs. 3, 8, 11. 1-broth culture broth. N 2. vila. December 1995. Pgs. 2, 9. (Front and back pictures of Velazquez JC.)-BRACKET EXTRA (cultural supplement of the journal VILA WEEKLY.) (Director: Josmar Muoz Quirs. Drawings: Luciano Diaz Castilla.)-Extra Peninsula. NC 4. July-August 1995. Pg 3. 1996 broth. (The magazine of poetry for those who hate poetry) (bulletin two Aduaneiras Lusitano), "broth. N 3. vila. February 1996. Pgs. 7, 9-THE MINING JOURNAL. Publisher: Cultural Association Miners. Vila. "The Miner. NC 1. vila. December 1996. Pgs. 10, 11. 1997-CARCARAMUSA. (Publisher: Association Cultural Carcaramusa. Cuevas del Valle City Library.) "Carcaramusa. NC 7. Summer 1997. Pg 25. -The Journal of Mathematics. (Publisher: Institute of High Mathematics teachings Puig Adam, Getafe, Madrid) (Lead: Hezekiah White)-The Journal of Mathematics. N 18. May 1997. Pg 62. -THE MINING JOURNAL. Publisher: Cultural Association Miners, vila. "The Miner. N 2. vila. May 1997. -HIGH VOLTAGE (special supplement of the Journal to mark the vila vila Rock 97)-High Voltage. vila, July 25, 1997. Pg 7. 1998 - WALK TO KNOW. Journal of the Municipal Public Library in Las Navas del Marques, vila. -Familiar path. No. 7 July 1998. Pg 39. FLY-cojonera (Independent Magazine of Art and Literature.). -La Mosca cojonera N 1. vila, Spring 1998. -La Mosca cojonera N 2. vila, Summer 1998. -La Mosca cojonera N 3-4. Avila, Autumn 1998. "THE LAST CANANA OF PANCHO VILLA. -Serie A Poem. N 160. Oviedo, 1999. 1999-JOURNAL MINER. Publisher: Cultural Association Miners. "The Miner. N 3. vila. July 1999. 2000-JOURNAL CULTURAL guinea pigs. Publisher: Culture of HE area. Municipality of Vila. "Guinea pigs. N 3. vila. July 1999. 2001-ROUND THE WALL Potica. - Trptico published for Potica Round the Wall. Publisher: Councillor for Culture Hon. Municipality of Vila. Design: ZINK creative solutions. Print: Marcam. 2005-diffuse (monthly magazine of poetry). Publisher: Collective diffusely. Vigo. "Diffuse. N 23. Vigo, April 2005. Pgs. 13 and 18. "Diffuse. N 24. Vigo, May 2005. Pg 14. PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKS: Plaquette: 2001. -Dialogue with JUAN DE LA CRUZ (Work edited for the Theatre Group Tribute Josma Rodrguez Mendez to San Juan de la Cruz in anniversary.) Edit: Hon. Municipality of Vila. Municipal Institute of Music and Culture. The theater Josma Rodrguez Mendez. Graphic design and production: Creative Solutions ZINK. Print Graficinco, SA Legal Dept.: M52.724. Text: Carlos Aganzo, Jaime Alejandre, Jorge de Arco, Jacinto Herrera, López JosLuis Narrillos, Josmar Muoz Quirs, JosPulido Navas, Miguel Velayos, Francisco Jerez and Vel Josco zquez. Illustrations: Susanna Saura, Fran gallon, Luciano Diaz Castilla, Ricardo Sanchez, Miguel Angel En 2003 - ECHOES OF PEACE (vila Poets against the war.) THE JOURNAL OF ABLE collection. N 1. Publisher: Collective Abulense for Peace (ABLE) vila, April 2003. Poetry: Ana Agustin, Julio Collado, Lisa Liibbe, Antonio L. Martn, JosLuis Sanchez, M. Rafael Sanchez, Josma Sanz, Fernando Saud, Peter Tom, Miguel Velayos, Josco Velazquez. Manifestos: Miguel Velazquez Velayos and Josco. Cover Illustration: Arthur Martnez-CHILE IN THE HEART: THE JOURNAL OF ABLE Collection. N 2. Publisher: Collective Abulense for Peace (ABLE) vila, April 2003. Autologous: 1998. -Aganzo, CARLOS: Small Autologous POES Avila. Edit: The Diary of vila, vila SA, 1998. ISBN: 84-86009-23-5. Pgs. 75-77 (collected in the anthology Poetry: Gaspar Moses Gomez, Aurelio Sanchez Tadeo, Adolfo Munoz Medina, JosJimnez Lozano, Jacinto Esteban Herrero, Luis Garcia Ars Gregory Corrales, JosLuis Lpez Narrillos, Ovid Martn Prez, Teresa Barber, Adolfo Ynez, Carlos Reviejo, Julio Peinado Castrejn, Gonzalo San Segundo, Juan Ruiz Aycar, Sponsorship Gil Gonzalo Jimenez, Mara Jess Sez, JosLuis Morante, Josma Muoz Quirs, Fernando Alda, Joan Gonpa Josco Velazquez, Fernando Romero, Alicia Garc a, David Ferrer, Francisco Javier Sanchez and Miguel Angel Velayos Sez) POETRY BOOK PUBLISHED: 2001. -ALL TRACES THE GUINEA PIGS Literary Creation Collection Volume 2 / 100 pgs. Published by: Hon. Municipality of Vila. vila, 2002. ISBN: 84-606-3160-5. PUBLICATIONS IN PRESS: 1991-THE JOURNAL OF VILA. -Pages of poetry from the ground. Sunday March 10, 1991. Pg 9. 2001. -EL DIARIO DE VILA. Public-weekly column (Friday) Urbi et Orbi 2002. -EL DIARIO DE VILA. Public-weekly column (Friday) Urbi et Orbi 2003. -EL DIARIO DE VILA. Public-weekly column (Friday) Urbi et Orbi 2004. -EL DIARIO DE VILA. -Public until the end of January, the weekly column (Friday) Urbi et Orbi Advertising:-http: / / www. shuttle. com / lamina-http: / / www. p-university. com-http: / / www. infoavila. com poetry and RECITALS OF FURTHER READING: CARPE DIEM-CAF THEATRE (Vila) Thursday March 23, 1995. Reader: NICKY NEGRETE (Actor). BAR-DA VINCI (Vila). Thursday August 24, 1995. Reader: Josco Velazquez. -OH! CALCUTTA (Vila). October 14, 1995. Reader: Josco Velazquez. 1996-OH! CALCUTTA (Vila). Thursday October 24, 1996. Reader: Josco Velazquez. 1997. VILA-ROCK FESTIVAL 97. vila, July 25, 1997. Pg.7. Reader: Josco Velazquez. 1998. "Meeting Point. READ AND SAY poetry in VILA. Organized by: Spanish Association of Friends of Children's and Youth. Poetry reading at the Plaza de la Victoria de vila. vila April 28, 1998. 2000. Ávila-POETS IN GUADALAJARA. Organizers: House in Madrid and Guadalajara Dos Mil Literary Hall. Casa Guadalajara in Madrid, Wednesday April 12, 2000. 2001. Potica-ROUND THE WALL. Organized by: Hon. Vila City Council, Councillor of Culture. Arc de Mariscal, vila July 7, 2001-HOMENAJE A SAN JUAN DE LA CRUZ on the day of his birth. Organized by the Hon. City Council vila, Rodrguez Josma Theatre Group Mendez, Municipal Institute of Music and Culture. House of the Butchers, vila, December 14, 2001. -CAF OF ADARVE, vila. 2002. -I. NARILLOS Potica FAIR OF SAN LEONARDO (Vila) Organizers: Narrillos Neighborhood Association of San Leonardo (vila). Participants: JosPulido Navas, Paco gallon, Josco Velazquez, Arturo Martinez, Lisa Liibbe, Carlos Aganzo, Fran gallon. San Leonardo Narrillos August 30, 2002. 2003. -READ THE MANIFESTO AGAINST THE WAR against the Government's Subdelegacin vila. -II. Narrillos Potica FAIR OF SAN LEONARDO (Vila) Organizers: Narrillos Neighborhood Association of San Leonardo (vila). Participants: 2004. STUDENT-RESIDENCE MIRAVALLE, vila, May 13, 2004.

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